The oceans are known to be our last frontiers.Our long coast and
the sense of adventure of our ancients fostered a great maritime
tradition.The Indian Ocean which washes our shores provides
opportunities which need to be utilised. For success in ocean
development, the entire nation should be permeated by
the spirit of enterprise and the desire to explore the
frontiers of knowledge. Our experience in
other fields of scientificendeavour
will help our efforts in ocean development.What is necessary
is a policy and structure to facilitate adynamic
thrust keeping in view developments in other parts of theworld.
The adoption, by an overwhelming majority of nationsof the
Convention of the UN Conference on
the Law of the Seas hasestablished a new international
order for the oceans. Thisextends
the economic jurisdiction of coastal states to an
area ranging form 200 to 350 miles from the coastline.
According tothis regime, nearly 2.02
million square kilometers of area, orearly two-third of the land
mass has come under India's nationaljurisdiction. In this
area, the exclusive right to utiliseliving
and non-living resources vests with the nation. Besides,India
has been recognised as "Pioneer Investor" in
an area ofupto 50000 square kilometers
in the deep seas for the recoveryand processing of polymetallic
For ages, the sea has enabled our people to sail to near and
distant lands and has been a source of livelihood to large number
of people. Even now Indian public and private enterprises do use
ocean resources. the country is producing significant quantities
of fish and hydrocarbons form the sea and much scientific work
has been done in collecting basic knowledge and information about
the sea and the seabed and in surveying, charting and exploiting
it. Progress has also been made in construction and development
of offshore structures.
The vastness, complexity and uncertainty of ocean environment
call for a coordinated, centralised
and highly be sophisticated development response.
This shouldbased onadequate knowledge of
marine space (sea-bed, water and aircolumns
included) as a fundamental prerequisite to the control,
management and utilisation of the rich
and varied natural resources available in the
sea. In addition to basic knowledge to determine
the potentialities inherent in the Indian sea-space we have to
develop appropriate technologies to harness
theseresources. A supporting infrastructure
has to be built.Effective systems of management
and control of the entire set up are also necessary.
5. We need to map living resources,
prepare an inventory ofcommercially exploitable fauna
and to map and assess the availability
of minerals from the deep sea.
The supportinginfrastructure and incentives required are research
vessesl ofmanpower, well-laid out programmes of resource
different types,exploitation, advanced technology and
everything necessary topromote the growth
of ocean technology. In the
management sector, the high seas and the Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) upto 320 kilometers have to be looked into for the
exploitation of the wealth occurring therein.
6. The main thrust should be
on the optimal utilisation of living resources like
fish and sea weeds, exploitation of
non-living resources such as hydrocarbons
and heavy placerdeposits, harnessing of renewable
resources of ocean energy fromwaves, temperature
differences in the water column, tidalheights,
salinity gradients and the collection and processing ofpolymetallic
nodules from the deep sea.
7. Marine development is linked
with scientific andHence,
technological achievements in other areas.
while we develop basic marine science and technology, i.e.
technology formarine environment, our technological
advances have to be gearedto the utilisation and preservation of
the marine environment.The extension of
national frontiers by an area of 2 millionsquare
kilometers of ocean space and the consequent access to new sources
of energy, minerals and food, requires great strides in
ocean engineering, specially
in tasks related to structures,materials,
instrumentation, submersibles and
systems ofpropulsion of ships. The
exploitation of natural food resourcessuch as fish and sea weeds,
and the generation of additional food resources
by cultivation, need scientific methods of aquaculture
and mariculture. To survey and predict
the ocean environment, the main tasks
necessary are seafloor mapping, charting, geodesy,
ocean dynamics, currents, waves, cyclones,
marine fauna, chemistry
and physics of the oceans and seabed mineral mapping
delineation and assessment. Research in all these
areas must examine the
various processes and their origins so as to have a
fundamental understanding, ensuring
predictive capabilities.
Marine science and technology has also to look beyond the current
state-of-the-art to achieve major
technological break-throughs in the
8. Besides research and development in basic sciences, we should
survey the deeper part of the ocean. Similarly in the
deep sea, detailed survey and sampling
in the regions of EEZ and the
adjacent ocean will be necessary to locate and evaluate the rich
and economically viable deposits of
polymetallic nodules, heavy
metals, fossil placers and phosphorite deposits.
The gathering of data from surveys
should be coordinated and a cost-effective
system of integrated surveys be established.
9. Much more needs to be done for the development of
indigenous technology for the
exploitation of fish from deeper waters. This
also means setting up of infrastructure facilities and
services to operate large sized fishing
10. An important component of the development programme
should be acquisition of technology.
To be self-reliant, such
technologies would have to be largely
developed, tested and operated
indigenously. Technologies relating to instrumentation
of diving systems, position fixing and
position maintenance, materials
development, oceanic data collecting
devices, anti-erosion capabilities sumersibles,
energy and energy-saving devices are
priority items. Several new technologies will have
to be commercialised and made cost effective.
11. Infrastructural support forms an essential prerequisite for
ocean development. The variegated
infrastructure already available in the
country will have to be appropriately augmented,
and more particularly in basic supporting facilities like
safety and rescue at sea, navigational
chains, communication network development
of appropriate maps and chargs etc. Infrastructural
support for providing a complete and reliable information system
through a network of data centres on marine resources, processing
and marketing systems, advanced technologies
and financial assistance would also
be necessary. This requires a broadening
and strengthening of available
infrastructural facilities. Provision
of adequate ports and harbours, ship-building
and ship-repair facilities will
be needed in addition to adequate ports
and harbours, ship-building and ship-repair facilities will
be needed in addition to adequate skilled manpower
in various sectors of development.
12. Surveillance and conservation of the marine environment and
its resources call for an integrated legal framework
and its concomitant enforcement.
Several laws have already been
formulated regarding the maritime zone, fisheries etc. The
Coast Guard Organisation looks after the
enforcement aspects of several of these
legislative measures. The coordinating mechanisms
of the overall structure
of legislation will have to be suitably
strengthened under the aegis of the
Department of Ocean
13. In the light of this, we must have a database to coordinate
efforts made by different agencies.
This is all the more
necessary because of the rapid growth of
information in ocean science and
technology. A centralised data system will be set up
by the Department of Ocean Development with a proper
mechanism for collection
collation and dissemination of information
acquired both indigenously and from foreign sources.
14. The creation of a self-reliant technological base
puts a heavy demand on fully
trained personnel. The training of skilled
manpower is to be adequately planned.
Young scientists, technologists and
engineers will be encouraged to participate in
the programme of ocean development and
steps will be taken to induce Indian
scientists from within the country and abroad to
participate in it.
15. Existing agencies will have to be appropriately strengthened
to meet the demands of this growing challenge. The
Department of Ocean Development
will function in conjuction with other
concerned agencies as a focal point to promote
institutional capability in areas
where significant work is lacking. The
complex programme that ocean development entails
will require well designed
management and institutional extension of
the Department of Ocean Development with
sufficient powers vis-a-vis other
agencies to help proper and speedy ocean development, which
enables India to be in the forefront of the International effort.
This would also mean close cooperation with both
developing and developed countries in a
spirit of understanding of the concept
that the oceans are a common heritage of humankind.